Portable Braking - Redefined:
Delta Force is the break through everyone has been waiting for. The first and only dual-signal, proportional
portable braking system. Sleek size and balanced weight distribution design make storage and setup unbelievably
simple. Intuitive user interface takes the guesswork out of setup and provides intelligent fault code monitoring.
Wireless CoachLink™ and breakaway system included.
In a Class All Its Own:
Loaded with innovation, Delta Force has created a new Top Tier in portable braking.
As with all SMI systems, Delta Force is designed by people who actually use and understand towed-vehicle braking systems.
Delta Force is further proof that the addition of field testing and tuning creates a system far superior to those bench tested
alone. How confident is SMI that this quality, product will perform? SMI proudly offers the same industry-leading, 5-year warranty
they've offered on all their systems for the past 15 years!
Extensive Product Info:
Benefits of the Delta Force: |
The Delta Force Difference: |
Delta Force Wire Diagrams: |

Product Info
Ball-and-Socket Actuator:
The game-changing, patent-pending center point of Delta Force. Rotated 90° the actuator folds neatly to the side for storage.
When securing the pedal clamp this design allows unheard of freedom of movement. Irregular
floorboards are no longer a problem: even those with offset transmission tunnels no other systems can accommodate. Because the
actuator is open from the top, the user can maintain a natural, comfortable position above the system during the simplified setup
procedures. Tall boxes obscure the pedal due to height and proximity to the dash, requiring a kneeling or "reach-around" position.
During activation the patent-pending design allows the actuator to be self-adjusting and non-binding.
Cable Tether:
Let's face it. Time has proven that pushing on the seat is not the best idea. Upholstery and foam damage / wear,
the inconvenience of constantly moving the seat back-and-forth, and the fact that the soft nature of the seat creates
inconsistent braking effort. Floor and seat brackets are better, but don't always fit and frequently
require customization; not to mention the fact that they can be unsightly. The tether system is SMI's revolutionary solution to this problem that
has gone un-addressed for decades. Delta Force has a simplified tether system that installs with just one self-drilling
screw. Setup is as simple as clipping the stainless-steel carabiner to the actuator. This design also keeps the entire
burden of force on the actuator. Not only is this more efficient, it also reduces wear on other components and tucks
neatly under the floor mat when not in use.
Set-It-Once Pedal Clamp™:
A good pedal clamp can be your best friend, but a bad one can be your worst enemy: pinched fingers,
slipping off, wrestling, pulling, jerking, pushing. The Set-It-Once could well be your
favorite part of Delta's rich list
of patent-pending innovations. Just like the name says, loosen the knob, set it once for the towed's pedal. That's it until
you change towed vehicles! No springs or wrestling, we promise. The clamp engages and releases automatically by pushing
down or lifting up on the actuator. Made of powder-coated, heavy duty, laser cut steel.
Wireless CoachLink™:
The motorhomes of today are packed with a wide variety of useful electronics from GPS to satellite radio. As helpful
and convenient as such features are, they produce something known as electromagnetic
interference (EMI).This has given
wireless systems in the braking industry a bad reputation. Delta Force's wireless CoachLink™ is a completely FCC compliant
solution developed for and tested in motorhomes, not just a bench. As such, the integrity of the wireless signal is second to none.
CoachLink™ monitors the connectivity to towed vehicle, displaying braking effort. It offers visual / audible alerts for fault codes
and the breakaway circuit.
Intuitive User Interface:
One less thing to think about. Delta Force leads the way in simplicity of operation. Once set in the vehicle, the "Initialize"
button is pressed. Delta then begins a series of tests: Integrity of the air-reserve tank, transmitter radio (which also displays
low voltage), cylinder air circuit, compressor efficiency, and pedal connection. As each component passes it turns
After initialization the desired profile may be selected. If extra braking effort is desired, the "Boost" button adds 15% to the
selected profile.
Microprocessors are great. In fact, Delta Force has one for many UI functions. The thing about microprocessors is they
don't like low or inconsistent voltage. The fact is, if they are in charge of activation, a hangup could cause any number of
catastrophic events: such as the brakes locking on or not coming on at all. Delta Force has the only split digital/analog activation
circuit, offering the feature-rich benefits of a digital circuit as well as the rock solid reliability of a traditional, analog circuit.
In the end, it all boils down to activation. SMI has used dual-signal technology since 1999: inertia from stopping and brake
lights from the motorhome. Delta Force offers the unique flexibility of running in either inertia-only or dual-signal mode,
making it the only portable system with dual-signal activation. Inertia only systems have limitations including a time delay in
activation to rule out bumps in the road and other instantaneous inertia events. Such delays are usually less than .5 sec, but at
70 mph that is over 50 feet. Delta Force does have such a buffer in inertia-only mode, but as a unique feature it is automatically
bypassed in a panic stop. Brake-light only systems are more archaic and simply activate when the brake lights of coach are illuminated.
This takes out the need for a delay, but leaves the user with two options: set it low enough to not over-brake but not have good panic
response, or set it high enough for good panic assistance but over brake at lower speeds. In dual-signal mode, Delta Force combines
the best of both worlds. Inertia-based, proportional braking with a brake-light override.

Rugged Enclosure:
The outer case of Delta Force is just as durable as it looks. Made of laser-cut, powder-coated aluminum in the USA.
Adjustable feet allow for up to a 2" irregularity in the floorboard on any corner. Wireless CoachLink™
Wireless CoachLink™:
Have the confidence of always knowing what Delta Force is doing. CoachLink™ wireless monitors connectivity,
voltage levels, braking effort, intelligent fault codes, and the breakaway circuit. Made in the USA Ball-and-Socket Actuator
Ball-and-Socket Actuator:
Easy to store, easy to use. Combined with the Set-it-Once Pedal Clamp™ and tether system, Delta Force has the
unmistakable edge in usability. Made in the USA. Set-it-Once Pedal Clamp™
Set-it-Once Pedal Clamp™:
If it's not an SMI, then it is not Set-it-Once. No springs, no wrestling, no pushing, no pulling. So easy to use its almost
unfathomable. Made in the USA. Dual-Signal Braking Profile
Dual-Signal Braking Profile:
The only portable system to offer dual-signal braking. Delta Force will operate as a fully-proportional, inertia-based system;
but, with optional addition (parts included) of the brake light signal from the coach, Delta is automatically transformed to a level
no portable system before has been to. Proprietary Fail-Safe Valving
Proprietary Fail-Safe Valving:
Requiring power to vent the actuator is asking for problems. SMI designed their own proprietary valve body that is 100%
failsafe requiring power to hold the activation air in. This long awaited enhancement allows Delta Force to be in an exhaust
state even with the power completely disconnected, making it the most reliable, fail-safe system on the market. Made in the USA.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step-by-Step Instructions:
SMI dealers and self-installers have been instrumental in helping SMI design and refine the easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions.
Each Delta Force system comes complete so you do not need to purchase anything for the installation.
SMI also offer 24/7 technical support from real live technicians not just an answering service.

The Delta Difference
Things that are different are not the same:
Delta Force offers the latest in portable-braking technology. Revolutionary
design and operation make Delta Force the
Top-Tier portable system.
Inside and out, Delta Force offers real innovation and usable improvements that have raised the bar. When seen side-by-side,
it becomes even easier to see the Delta Force is the portable-braking solution.

Delta Diagrams
Coming Soon!